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Gym Calendar















Monthly Plan Policies

  1. Preschool Class(ages 3-4): $90/month 

  2. Preschool Class(ages "Walking"-2): $85/month

  3. One hour classes(55 min classes): $100/month 

  4.  2 hour classes(Advanced and Pre-Team): $135/month

  5. Adult Gymnastics $75/month



Each member will be assessed a total of $70 membership fee/family/year.  


Recreational programs: Summer Session(June 1-July 31): $45

                       Fall Session(August 1-December 31): $70

                       Spring Session(January 1-May 31): $70


*If you sign up for the Fall Session and you are not currently enrolled in the Summer Session, the $70 Membership Fee will be assessed at registration. 

*If you continue for the Spring Session and are currently enrolled in the Fall Session, the registration fee is waived.

*If you sign up for the Spring Session for the first time, a $70 Membership Fee will be charged at time of registration. 

*If you sign up for the Summer Session for the first time, you will be charged a $45 membership fee on June 1. 

 *If you are a current member in the Spring and continue for the Summer Session, a $45 membership fee will be assessed on June 1

*If you are currently enrolled in the Summer and wish to continue in the Fall, you will only be charged the difference to fulfill the $70 Membership Fee($25) on August 1. 



Late Fee Policy  

After the 10th of each month, a $25 late fee will be assessed to the members account for each child. After the 10th of the month if an account has a balance the child can not attend class until tuition is paid. Each transaction will include a 3.9% + $.30 transaction fee billed to the customer. If payment is not remitted by the end of the month the child will be dropped from the class. The outstanding balance will remain on the account until paid. 



Drop Policy


Summer Session: June 1-July 31

Fall Session: August 1-December 31

Spring Session: January 1-May 31


Buyout Fee: If you choose to unenroll your child before the end of a session, a written email must be sent to indicating when you would like the drop to take effect.  At the time of receipt of the email, the account will be charged a buyout fee of $150.  

If you would like to drop your child effective at the end of a particular session, an email to is still required indicating your intention to drop at the end of the specific session.  No Buyout Fee will be assessed if the request to drop is for the end of the session. 

Membership will auto-renew each session unless an email is received. 

The only form of communication accepted regarding drops will be an email 

Tuition is NON-REFUNDABLE and may not be pro-rated once pulled on the 1st of each month. 



Open Registration Policy 

Based on availability, a gymnast can start at any point in the month. 

Tuition will be prorated based on what week of the month the gymnast will start. 

Prorate will be based on a 4 week month.  




Every account is required to have a card on file. Tuition will be pulled automatically on the 1st of the month

unless it is paid by cash or check to the Office Manager before the 1st of the month. Team accounts will require a card on file but will not be in the auto draft program.



Sibling Discounts 

Sibling discounts are offered for immediate family members. 

The second student will receive a 10% discount,

the third student a 20% discount,

and any additional students will receive a discount of 30% on their first class.



Multi Class Discounts 

For each additional class, you will get a $10 discount. 

Example: Class 1: $85, Class 2: $75, Class 3: $65



There will be no reduction in tuition or refunds for missed classes because of gymnast initiated absences. However, make-up classes will be attempted if possible upon request however make-ups are not guaranteed.  


Missed classes because of gym initiated closures like emergencies, weather, or other non-holiday events will have a makeup if possible but is not guaranteed. 


Make-up classes will not be available for holiday related gym closures.




1. We always want to have an open communication with our customers. You can reach us by phone at 337-422-7077. Please leave us a detailed message if we are not available, email us, or message us on Facebook.



1. In the event that the gym must be closed due to inclement weather, we will email, text, and post on facebook about the details of the closure.


2. If your child is already at practice and weather causes us to end practice early, we will contact you via text and/or phone call to pick up your child.  Please be sure to have a current phone number in our system. 




1. When do you take enrollments?

We are always taking enrollments. 


2. Do you have makeup classes?

Yes, you can attempt to makeup a class that you have missed.  In order to arrange a make-up class, please email us at You need to have missed a class during your regularly schedule classes to make-up the class.  Make-up classes are not guaranteed and are based on availability


4. What does my child need to wear to class?

For girls: One piece leotards or t-shirt and shorts. We do not allow two piece leotards for the safety of the gymnasts.   For boys: t shirt and shorts. 


5. Do you have a trial classes?

Yes,  you can try out a class before you register for $25. Email us at,, and let us know you would like to come try out a class. 


6. I'm not sure what class to enroll my child in, how do I know which one to choose?

The best way to find out what class to enroll your child in is to have him/her evaluated by a coach. That will help us determine what class to enroll her/him in. Email us or call us 337-422-7077.


7. Do you have classes over the Holidays? 

Our recreational and tumbling classes are not in session during holidays.  We follow Lafayette Parish School System Holiday Schedule.  










SoLa Gym Calendar 2425.png


1005 Albertson Parkway

Broussard, LA 70518

337-422-7077 (call/text)

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